Our Blog

August 22, 2023 By Barry Bright

Codependency is bad. It’s that simple.

Our guest expert today is Jenna Dillon. Jenna is an award-winning Executive Coach who has and continues to raise the industry’s standards. Bio.

Codependency leads to failure, not success.

Excessive reliance or support between professionals is not how a workplace is meant to function.

It’s that simple.

Codependency in the workplace is inefficient and inhibits progressive collaboration.

An inefficient and non-collaborative workplace means low productivity.

Employees who face the misconduct of misplaced work responsibilities don’t respect their leaders.

Some are tossing responsibilities off left and right, mastering the hot potato game.

Others are swirling in a state of overwhelm with their workload.

Signs there is codependency in the workplace

Don’t think this is you or your company?

Are you or your managers…

  • Stuck in an endless “What’s this? Oh, I’ll pass it on to___.” version of hot potato
  • Designated as the answering machine
  • Can’t keep up with the endless, ever-growing to-do list
  • Working overtime to find answers to different questions
  • Leaders doing extra work because they feel their team can’t do it as well or as quickly

Solutions to codependency in the workplace

As the boss, how can you foster a more independent, collaborative work environment?

Speak with various employees in your company. Know what their complaints are.

Convey to employees that you hear them, value them, and will make improvements.

Lead by example to initiate the change you want to see happen in your company.

Provide your employees tools for them to problem solve, innovate, and have agency.

You can empower them to effectively do their jobs, so you and your managers can do yours.


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