Our Blog

February 26, 2024 By Barry Bright

Contribution: Marketing that unsticks

Marketing’s power is in trust, not in the latest fad. Today’s pillar of trust is contribution.*

Wes is stuck.

He has a problem, and he is struggling to find a solution.

Like most, he turns to Google for an answer.

Your blog pops up.

He scans it, easily locates your expert solutions, and subscribes to future blogs.

Because it got Wes unstuck, your blog and your website built trust.

As David Horsager* puts it: “Few things build trust quicker than actual results.

You build trust by contributing easy-to-find answers to your prospects’ questions.

When people search for an answer to their problem and find your answer—you’re giving them a result. 

Every result is a contribution to building their trust.

Put your answers out into the digital world using our Answer Vault Framework.

Share your expertise in 50 unique and easy-to-read answers written to your specific target audience.

Use our Answer Vault Framework to start building trust.

*This is a series based on David Horsager’s The 8 Pillars of Trust, in which we explore the importance of trust in marketing.


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